P.O. Box 72799, Providence, RI 09207 401-699-6167

Get ready for Back to School 2023

BF Norton Elementary School

Address: 380 Broad St, Cumberland, RI 02864, USA (https://cumberlandschools.org/b-f-norton-elementary-school/)

BF Norton Elementary School is a Kindergarten through 5th grade school located in the southern part of Cumberland, Rhode Island.  The mission of BF Norton is to recognize and respect the diversity of all students in order to foster a safe learning environment, focused on student performance and continuous school improvement.  Our team of teachers and staff members are dedicated to providing a high quality education that focuses on the students academic needs, as well as their social emotional learning needs.

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Board of Directors

Grace Gonzalez (President)
Doris De Los Santos (Vice President)
Emily Garthee (Secretary) 
Deborah Miller (Member at Large)
Ida Valentin (Member at Large)

Please consider supporting our efforts.
